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 Applicable Rules

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Co Foren Admin / English Support
Co Foren Admin / English Support

Applicable Rules Empty
BeitragThema: Applicable Rules   Applicable Rules EmptyMo Apr 13, 2009 11:51 am

Welcome to No-Mercy-RO!

Everybody is advised by registering and creating an account with No-Mercy-RO you are agreeing to comply with these Rules.

All Rights of Ragnarok Online are copyrighted by Gravity Corp.

1: Do not beg for Items, Heal, Zeny, Tank or donate Items from GM's or other Players.
You can kindly ask, but a NO is a NO!
GM's only give out Items for Events, meanwhile Donates are only given out by the Admin's.

2: Please do NOT Kill-Steal (KS) on Monsters that came out of Dead Branches or Bloody Branches, otherwise there will be consequences (i.e. ban, IP-ban).
Also we forbid the permanent killing of one and the same player, also called Perm-Kill.

3: Any kind of botting, cheating, hacking or any other tries to scam is forbidden and will be banned without constrictions.

Makros and programms, that repeat the same procedures over and over are also forbidden.

4: Distributing child pornographic or racist contents such as:

Picture and soundmaterial, texts, links or other is forbidden.
Should we find contents of this form you will be banned without further notice, your IP will be given to the Police and files will be charged against you.
Also we forbid any and all contents glorifying violence.

5: Spamming/flooding the chat ingame is not allowed and will be penalized.

6: Lost items will not be replaced.
If you are hacked no items will be replaced, oftentimes due to your fault, because you were being irresponsible with your account data.
Everybody if responsible for the safety and the safekeeping of there password. Create accounts with little and big letters along with numbers and additional characters.
It is forbidden to give out your account data. Any and all damages created by your account will be charged to you.

7: Do not advertise other servers. This also alludes the mention of official server names. Please use ***** as server name.

8: Orders or instructions given by Admins or GM's should be adhered.
Our GM's act, like we Admins would also do, should you still have problems with a decission made by a GM, please contact the Administrator MGM Jay.

9: All of us have one thing in common, we love Ragnarok Online and wish to play with our friends in peace.
We ask all of you to play nice with others, although sometimes there are a few who can get annoying, but with stress and quarrels nobody is helped, it only leads to frustration.

10: Only trust Admins and GM's that you know of or can see.
Should you be unsure with whom you are talking, you have the right to ask the GM / Admin to show him/herself to you.
Pay attention at all times to the exact name, which you can find on our list in our Forum/the Website.

11: None of us (whether GM or Admin) will ask you for your account Data. If we need them we'll find it out ourselves.

12: Every player or forum user (guests aswell) are obligated to read the Rules and follow them.
Guests and Users of this server and all the services agree to adhere to the rules and follow them.

13: Aggressive skill spam in the Main City (PRONTERA) or where many players sojourn is forbidden because it results in LAGS for most players.

14: Do not open your shops and chats infront of Warps or NPC's, otherwise we will close them without further notice. Chats and shops (@autotrade) are allowed everywhere.
Should your chat or shop bother too much (i.e. covering NPC's, Warps) it could happen that a GM will move your shop/chat which would result in the closing of said chat/shop.

Deceiving Shops:
It is forbidden to sell Items, i.e. similar-sounding or name-changed Items, with the hope that people misinterpret them for more expensive items. Should you nonetheless wish to sell items more expensive, please warn the users in your shopdescription.

15: Reports are only then valid, with a screenshot, which you can create by pushing the Print Screen button on your keyboard. This screenshot you can find in your Ragnarok file folder in the Screenshot folder.
Chatlogs are sadly only partly valid, because they are manipulated easily. People manipulating screenshots or chatlogs will be banned permanently.

16: Please avoid opening threads with the same content several times and use the search option. Also we don't wish for double posts, in this case the Edit button should be used.

17: Give your threads significant names, i.e. "I have a problem with my character", not only "HELP" or "ZOMG" and stay calm. Don't panic, scream or go ballistic, we are trying our very best to help you and keep you happy.

18: Words like plz, plx, halp, etc., are not normal forms of typing and tend to annoy other players. Be kind enough to at least say thanks or please.

19: When talking to Admins and GM's, please use their character name instead of just calling them Admin or GM. Either are free to refuse to talk to you if you refrain from doing so.

20: All GM's have the same rights, irrespective their rank or the GM-Level. Above them are only MGM's (Master Game Master) and above those are only the Administrators.

21: Do not Loot-steal (i.e. if someone kills a monster, don't loot the items).
If you do not see anybody close by, you are free to take the loot-items, should someone ask for the items back, please be so kind and return them.

22: Check the forums or the Internet before you contact a GM or Admin for help.
Nonetheless should you need help, please be patient, for we can only help one user at a time.

23: Admins and GM's wish to have a bit peace to play RO if they are playing on their private accounts.

24: Bugabusing is forbidden, any and all bugs should be reported. If we find players abusing bugs you will be banned.

25: Allowed signature format is 400 pixels (width) and 150 pixels (hight).

26: We do not claim responsibility for players using this server, downloading the client, etc. Furthermore players garanty to have a valid account with Gravity Corp. or other contractual partners so that there are no financial losses to Gravity Corp with the existance of this server.
Furthermore we again mention the copyright lies with Gravity Corp.
26.1. It is forbidden for coworkers and members of their family of Gravity Corp, BHI or other contractual partners to sign up on the forum or to create an account.

27: This Server is a german/english speaking Server, so we kindly ask that only those two languages shall be spoken in the open chat. Should you wish to speak in a different language, please use the PM function.
Reason for this is, that most people not speaking your language don't really know whether you are talking about them or insulting them. Please adhere to it.

28: Accounthacking, Refund after Hack, Scamming:

Should your account be hacked and your items lost, there will be no refund for it.
Should you be scammed, the same rule applys as the hacking, there will be no refund.
Exception to the rule applied only on special accounts (i.e. at sight of Screenshots or Videos).

29: MVP's and Minibosses:

MVP's, Minibosses and Monsters spawned out of Bloody or Dead Branches are not Free-for-all.
"Regular MVP's" and monsters found on Maps or in dungeons are an exception to this rule and actually are Free-for-all; furthermore you are allowed to attack and kill any Player that is engaging said "regular MVP" to engage him yourself.
Edit to Thanatos:
Do not kill players/a group, which evoked Thanatos or is in the process of evoking Thanats. Should there be two or more players / parties at the same time be on the tower, we ask you kindly to either wait till they are done or they have been killed by Thanatos, to give it a try.

30: Songs or Musical Classes (i.e. Bard / Dancer, Clown / Gypsie)

Basically it is allowed to play Songs in the Main City (Prontera), even one after another, although not allowed is to spam those skills.
Meaning: Do not play a song, break it off, start another (or the same song), break if off, start again, break it off, etc.

31: Conversation about sexual things:

It is only natural that you like to talk about the most beautiful thing in the world, but think about, that most people might feel molested by it. Please adhere to the rules.
Should another user or a GM ask you to stop talking about it, please adhere to it and continue talking about it in a private chat or through PM. This rule also applys to open chat, guild chat, party chat or private chats.

32: Multiaccounting:

Multiaccounting is allowed, though only to some extent, remember it's at the expense of the Server. Pay attention to rule number 35.

33: Selling:

It is forbidden to sell ingame-Items for real money or stuff outside the Game. Players caught doing this, will be permbanned.

34: Privacy Protection:

We reserve the right to ban any player for any length of time, at any time, for any reason.
These rules may change at any time. Usually there will be an announcement in the forum, but not always. Ignorance is not an excuse.
None of the collected data will be loaned, sold, given away or anything else. Only Administrators have a right to view this data.

35: Automatically deleted old accounts:

To minimize the capacity of the server and to give new players a chance to choose an already old and unused character name, all accounts that have not been logged on for more then four months will be automatically deleted by the server.
Deleted accounts can not be replaced.

Possible penalties for misconduct:
Mute, Kick, Jail, Ban, Account liquidation, IP handout to the Police and/or prosecution.

Rules for our GMS:

1. Same treatment for every player, no matter whether they are friends, family or donators.

2. GM's should be friendly and helpful to players, but remember you are not a Heal/Buffstation or the Warper. Furthermore you are not allowed to help with the Custom Quest, you are allowed to give hints that are also written in our forums.

Sanctions for Misconduct/Consequences:

Aggroskillspam in the Maincity (PRONTERA) or where many players are:
Skills meant are: Grandcross, Lord of Vermillion, Stormgust, Magnus Excorzismus, overly much Sanctuary, etc., which results in other players having lag.

Chatspam / Flooding:
Meaning: Repeating 5 times one and the same word/sentence in fast succession.

Insults / Offensive behavior:
Insults towards other players result in a Mute, heavy offensive insults may result in Jail or a ban. Provoking others is forbidden, like insults it may result in Mute, Jail or ban.

Looting / Mobbkill / Mobbtrain:
Stealing loot from others or training others with monsters will get you in trouble.

We do not appreciate and don't want to see discrimination towards handicapped people, sexual preference, people from different race or ethical sociaty, etc.

Distributing child pornographic or racist contents such as:
Picture and soundmaterial, texts, links or other is forbidden.
Should we find contents of this form you will be banned without further notice, your IP will be given to the Police and files will be charged against you.
Also we forbid any and all contents glorifying violence.

Events adhere to different rules, applied by the executive GM.
Events will be hosted by GM's or Admins in their free time for our user.
Breaking those rules or interfering / bugging during such events will be penalized more drastically than normally.
During Events should you not adhere to the rules, after a reprimand you are facing jail time for an indefinite time.

.:: Admins are to be noticed immediately if players get banned by GM's for any of those reasons ::.

Users not adhering to the applied rules, even after being reprimanded and/or further violation we will bar you from our community.

Helping others to breach the rules will also be penalized!

We, the Admin's of No Mercy Ragnarok Online reserve the right to change the rules at our own discretion.

Kind regards,
your No Mercy Team
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